Saturday, January 9, 2010


Assamualaikum all,

Lama kan x update.. Mcm-mcm yang nk kna buat bila tahun baru ni.. Here are the quick updates. (Kalo ada yg tunggu lah kn.. hihi). As I wrote in the last entry, we were having a short break in Penang. Very short k, 2 days and 1 night. Bagus gak cuti kejab2 ni, langkah penjimatan sebelum wallet menjadi sgt kempis walaupun mmg kempis tiap-tiap bulan.. hihi

Here are some pics which was dh basi kn sebab dh upload pn dlm fb. So, layan those pics, k.

Abg eating twisties..

Xmas eve @ Northam Hotel.

Abg posed with his superman's suit. I bought it from bazaar.

Sambil tunggu mak shopping. Ooo, I really need to sit up 100 times a day.. Don't u think..?

My hubby decided to convert one of the space in my house as the boys' playard. So, here is the result. We are planning to repaint the wall. InsyaAllah, by this week.. hihi

Ok, sempena tahun aru ni, I would like to wish HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS.. Dh basi ek..? hihi. What are ur resolutions..? For myself, here they are;

1) Dapat cuti belajar end of this year
2) Want to produce three books and 2 journals that listed in ISI or Scopus (Sungguh tinggi cita-citaku, hihih)
3) Want to do the best for accredatation.. Harap2 the programme of Environmental Engineering will be accredated. Amin. (Kalo dapat , mmg hadiah paling best b4 study leave)
4) Nk kurus kn badan, eh silap.. Nk kuruskan bahagian2 tertentu.. hihi
5) Nk jadi momma yang terbaik utk Abg n Adik.
6) Nk serve and entertain hubby lbh baik dr tahun lepas.
7) Nk simpan duit .. (tiap2 tahun resolution ni tak berjaya.. I include skali lagi.. hihi)

Cukuplah, banyak sgt nnti tak leh achieve lak.. Ok then, share with me what the resolutions of yours.. mana tau boleh include dlm my list gak ker.. Hihi.


  1. Azian..bagus tul HUBBY you tu..dia keje apa ek? Kim salam kat dia ekk..

  2. Hihi,

    Mmg bagus lah suami saya wak.. Tu yang sayang kat dia tu.. :P
