Wednesday, June 24, 2009



As the title.. InsyaAllah, I hope I can make it to further my study at the end of this year. So, I printed all the forms (thank you to Mr. Ragu for his kindness, emailing me all his forms). Since long ago, I've decided to further my study at USM making me pure product of USM (apa taknya degree, MSc and now PhD from USM)..Huhuhu..tak pelah, as long as i'll pursue my PhD..

My hubby decided to do his PhD via part time so I give him my full support.. Why don't I become parttimer ? I think I cannot commit with too much thing in one time..and the most important thing, I don't want to sacrifice my time with my family during weekend to finish up my study.. so the best thing I applied study leave..

But still many things overwhelmed in my mind..Is it I can suit myself studying after almost 3 years working..?(Syok oo keje, mmg sometimes tension but studying is more tense I think..). Can I work from home..?(Takut nnti, jaga anak lebih dr doing research..huhu).. Can I manage my time very well so that I can complete my PhD in 2 and 1/2 years time..?

So, for now, I've taken IELTS test (needed in order to get allowance from KPT) and writing my reasearch proposal; tinggal nak isi borang and sent to USM's Registrar. I hope everything will run smoothly as me and hubby planned for our family..[Ya Allah, Engkau permudahkanlah urusan hambamu ini.]

All the forms..Banyak bangat nih..

Details of candidature

Looking at all the forms..